
2022-08-02 14:39:56 IT技术网 互联网











What happens when ants lie about military information? What are the consequences of being bitten by ants? Being bitten by ants will cause local burning and slight itching. If it is an allergic constitution, it will cause local severe pain, and even shock and life-threatening. Ant's formic acid can cause sensitization and infection. After it bites human skin, the venom will penetrate into the body through the wound. However, the medical characterization of ants is not very toxic. Generally, ants will cause local burning pain and slight itching, and skin rash will subside naturally in the near future. But what I fear most is that the bitten person is allergic. After being bitten, it will cause local severe pain, fever, dizziness, blurred vision, dyspnea and other serious allergic symptoms, and even shock and life-threatening. If you are bitten by mosquitoes in the wild, you must not take it lightly. If there are only slight symptoms of redness, swelling and itching, you can use soapy water to treat the wound and neutralize the acid containing venom. However, in case of vomiting, shock and other emergencies, you must not delay it. You should get medical attention and deal with it in a timely manner. When people go to places with dense forests, they should put on long clothes and trousers and prepare insect repellent liquid. In addition to the poisoning caused by ants biting people, poisonous snakes, bees and centipedes are also common toxic species in life. What happens when an ant lies to its companion? Foraging ants have evolved complex communication patterns, using attractive pheromones to guide their spouses to eat or drink. Ant communication systems have been widely studied. They even have algorithms related to human traffic, computers and communication networks. Now, researchers have found that there is a human like traffic sign in the communication system of Pharaoh ants. For example, they can strengthen the familiar "go" traffic sign with parking sign. Specifically, they use an annoying pheromone to mark worthless paths and concentrate signals in a decision-making area, such as a fork in the road. One of the ways ants communicate is by smell, which is smell. Olfactory receptors are distributed on the antennae. In addition, ants communicate through the tactile function of their tentacles. They will be beaten and eaten by their companions!











What happens when ants lie about military information? What are the consequences of being bitten by ants? Being bitten by ants will cause local burning and slight itching. If it is an allergic constitution, it will cause local severe pain, and even shock and life-threatening. Ant's formic acid can cause sensitization and infection. After it bites human skin, the venom will penetrate into the body through the wound. However, the medical characterization of ants is not very toxic. Generally, ants will cause local burning pain and slight itching, and skin rash will subside naturally in the near future. But what I fear most is that the bitten person is allergic. After being bitten, it will cause local severe pain, fever, dizziness, blurred vision, dyspnea and other serious allergic symptoms, and even shock and life-threatening. If you are bitten by mosquitoes in the wild, you must not take it lightly. If there are only slight symptoms of redness, swelling and itching, you can use soapy water to treat the wound and neutralize the acid containing venom. However, in case of vomiting, shock and other emergencies, you must not delay it. You should get medical attention and deal with it in a timely manner. When people go to places with dense forests, they should put on long clothes and trousers and prepare insect repellent liquid. In addition to the poisoning caused by ants biting people, poisonous snakes, bees and centipedes are also common toxic species in life. What happens when an ant lies to its companion? Foraging ants have evolved complex communication patterns, using attractive pheromones to guide their spouses to eat or drink. Ant communication systems have been widely studied. They even have algorithms related to human traffic, computers and communication networks. Now, researchers have found that there is a human like traffic sign in the communication system of Pharaoh ants. For example, they can strengthen the familiar "go" traffic sign with parking sign. Specifically, they use an annoying pheromone to mark worthless paths and concentrate signals in a decision-making area, such as a fork in the road. One of the ways ants communicate is by smell, which is smell. Olfactory receptors are distributed on the antennae. In addition, ants communicate through the tactile function of their tentacles. They will be beaten and eaten by their companions!